
I have been approaching each of the technology tools outlined in this course confidently. However, when I came across ‘VoiceThread’ my first thought was “What is VoiceThread?”. As I examined VoiceThread I discovered that this tool can be used in a myriad of ways.

A VoiceThread is an online media album that can hold almost any type of media (images, documents and video) and allows users to make comments in five different ways- using voice, text, audio file or video and share them with anyone they wish. A VoiceThread enables group conversations to be collected and shared in one place, from anywhere in the world. This VoiceThread provides an example of how versatile this tool can be.

VoiceThread presents a multitude of opportunities for education. The GoogleDoc below includes many ideas for using VoiceThread in the classroom.

VoiceThread can be used to facilitate digital storytelling, creating presentations and encouraging students to work collaboratively. This tool could be used to create innovative portfolios for assessment purposes.

VoiceThread can be incorporated in learning experiences to facilitate collaborative, self-directed and creative activities. These are important components of Kearsley and Schneiderman’s Engagement Theory (1999).

While VoiceThread presents exciting and innovative opportunities for educators, it is important that teachers do not get ‘carried away’ with this technology. Teachers need to ask why a VoiceThread is the best tool for a lesson and if it really encourages collaboration and thoughtful responses.


Anonymous said...

Hi Chloe, that document is a great find. It gives some good uses for VoiceThread in the classroom.

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